My daughter graduated from Kindergarten this year. After the ceremony I planned a little party for my daughter and her classmates. We set the tables with red tablecloths and put a 12X12 piece of white cardstock down so the plates I created would show up on the tablecloths.
The graduation hat plates were created by placing a square red plate on an upside down red bowl. I glued them together and placed a soup can on the top so it would stick. Once the plates and bowls were glued together I punched a hole in the corner of one the plates using a hand held hole punch and then I created a tassle with white embroidery floss and gold ribbon to tie through the hole in the plate.
I went to the party store and found smiley face pics with graduation hats to use for the cupcakes. I scanned in the yearbook pics and cut the children's faces in circles to use on the pics(NOTE: place these on the cupcakes right before the party so the icing doesn't get on the pics) The kids really enjoyed looking at themselves on the cupcakes.
I also created a centerpiece for the punch table titled "SMARTIES". I took wooden skewers, glue dots, smarties, and ribbon and made smartie pics. On each smartie pic I placed the childrens pics. I also bought a couple of the larger smartie packages for the teachers pics. It turned out really cute. I used a wallpaper tray painted in school colors and floral foam as the base of my Smartie centerpiece.
For the goodie 'bags' I bought to-go containers from Sam's warehouse to hold all the goodies. The goody containers each had a small chalkboard with the child's name written in chalk on the top. They include a small box of chalk, a diploma made out of fruit rollups, white paper, and ribbon, goldfish crackers(adapted this idea from ReneeDezember on 2peas), a button that I made out of paper and ribbon that said I graduated from Kindergarten Today, and a single kool-aid pack that said "Have a Kool Summer".
I also had to make some adorable graduation pops from Bakerella.
I hope you enjoyed these ideas and I hope that you can use some for your next graduation party.
Thanks for stopping by and leaving such sweet comments! I love finding new party blogs!
My daughter is starting kindergarten this next school year and I'm starting to file away Kindergarten graduation ideas already! I'm adding you to my google reader subscriptions!
I will have to store this away because my daughter will be in Kindergarten next year. Thanks!!
These are cute for any age graduation. Cuteness has no age :)
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